There is a set format for provisional/new/renewal registration of Ayurvedic , Unani doctors,Yoga/Naturapathy doctors under government notification 1/2/3.Provisional registration of students is done for one year only.
RAJASTHAN BOARD OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE was established under the RAJASTHAN BOARD OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE, Midwives, Health Visitors and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives Registration Act. No. 9 of 1964, published in the Rajasthan Gazette Dated March 28, 1964, for fulfillment of the aims and the objectives as laid down in the Act.
THE RAJASTHAN MEDICAL COUNCIL was established under the Rajasthan Medical Act. No. XIII of 1952, published in the Rajasthan Gazette (Raj-Patra) No. 11 dated April 12, 1952, vide Govt. of Rajasthan Law Department Notification No. F.12 (65)-L/51- dated March 31,1952 for fulfillment of the aims and the objectives as laid down in the Act.